Boaties’ Rights Restricted on the Bay!

boaties rightsVictorian State Government Bans Recreational Vessel Anchoring in Port Phillip Bay Waters Controlled by Port of Melbourne Corporation
Boaties will be restricted from anchoring in most parts of the bay. It’s a case of Port Melbourne Corporation powers that are out of control. Fishing in the bay near Fawkner Beacon is now illegal. Say no and send a protest to your local minister as it is putting a billion dollar industry at risk. Next thing, what Port Melbourne Corporation wants to do is to prevent recreational boating in the Yarra River. Say NO to this! Contact Melbourne Ports Authority CEO and your Minister and say enough is enough. Recreational vessel masters, who anchor a vessel within the waters of Port Phillip Bay can be charged with an offense under the Marine Safety Act 2010. The said bay has an area of navigable waters usually used by vessels larger than 50m LOA for navigation through the area (i.e. Port of Melbourne controlled waters). Previous to 1st July 2012, recreational vessels masters were only prohibited from anchoring within a marked shipping channel declared as prohibited anchorage (i.e. TOZ, gas pipeline) or impeding the safe passage of a large commercial vessel. 
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